Tuesday 28 August 2007

Minority Report

I guess I should start by posting something about chess so:

I remember one Latin lesson at school, this would have been more than 45 years ago, when I was the only boy to get the right answer to a question. "The minority is always right", my Latin teacher, about whom more, maybe, later, told me. I've always tried to live my life according to this principle.

For now I will just say that I have serious problems with the way we are teaching, organizing and promoting junior chess in England. I have given up hope of getting anyone in a position of authority to agree with me so I've decided just to do my own thing in future. Which, in a sense, is what I always preferred to do anyway.

I'll be much more specific, and, I hope, more constructive in later posts.

By way of an introduction

You might know me as a Complete Chess Addict, but, technically speaking, obsessive is, I think, the correct word. I like to get these things right. You might know me as the organizer of Richmond Junior Chess Club, but, after 32 years, I've decided it's time to move on. I'm still teaching chess, though. Visit my website to find out more. You might have come here via chessKIDS academy, and, yes, I am planning to develop it further, but I was interrupted by a Person from Hogwarts

You might, I guess, have come here randomly. That's fine. Random, like different, is cool. Whatever, you're welcome to take a look inside my brain. At least that part I'm prepared to reveal to you. Feel free to believe, or disbelieve, whatever you want. I tell my pupils they need to know two things about me: 73% of everything I say is a joke, and I'm never more serious than when I'm joking.

In Real Life, which, for the most part, I try to avoid, I'm pretty quiet, sometimes close to non-verbal. But in My World I can be verbose about my interests. In fact my world is full of words, ideas and music. As on a web page, many of the words act as hyperlinks to other pages. So a blog seemed the ideal way of putting my thoughts into some sort of order.

I'm not good at taking criticism, but, if you'd like to agree with anything I say, please feel free to comment.